The fees are shown on each of the individual club pages:
Regular user fees are paid by setting up a 11 month standing order or childcare voucher transfer. Dont forget we take Childcare Vouchers so your fees can be tax-free! Regular fees apply to pre-booked sessions which are the same day each week and are every week. Please contact us at admin@oosc.co.uk to make a regular booking.
Occasional or Ad Hoc fees are payable online and are subject to availability. We take Childcare Vouchers for occasional and Ad Hoc bookings too!
How do OOSC fees work?
OOSC run clubs in five schools (April 2024) and we run the same fee payment structure in all our clubs. Details of our two booking options are as below:
Option 1: For those parents who know that they need the same days every week, we offer Regular use.
For regular users, we operate a monthly payment schedule, with equal fees spread over 11-months, based on the 38 ‘teaching’ weeks that we are open. You are not charged for Inset days, bank holidays or school holidays. Payment starts for one session per week (eg every Tuesday). This makes payments easier for parents who wish to use childcare vouchers, you just set it up for the 11-months from September to July each year - we don’t require a payment in August.
For these sessions, any cancellations are chargable and we require payments by the 7th of each month. Your child(ren)’s regular booking is guaranteed and will continue for as long as you need the place. You don’t have to worry about changing payments or re-booking the place termly, like some clubs. If you need to add or reduce days, we require a calendar month’s notice. To guarantee your place, regular fees start from 1st September each year.
We are unable to accommodate session swaps; all booked sessions are to be paid for. In June each year you will be notified of the next academic year’s 11-monthly fee and reminded not to pay in August!
Option 2: Sometimes you may not know the sessions you require weekly, so in addition to regular use, OOSC offer Ad Hoc places. These sessions are subject to availability and are charged at a published session rate. Bookings are made online at www.oosc.co.uk up to 10pm the night before the session. You can also add an ad hoc booking if you are a regular user. Ad hoc bookings are available from the beginning of each term. Please remember: if your child’s places are not the same day every week, then you are classed as an Ad Hoc user.
There is further information about payment by childcare vouchers here
We do not take payments at the club - the staff are there to look after your children. Collection may be made any time before 6pm, however after we close at 6pm we are not insured to take your children. Late fines are £3 for collection after the session published end time. For after school club: 6.01pm-6.04pm, £6 6.05pm-6.09pm, increasing by £3 every five minutes and at 6.30pm the Uncollected child policy comes into operation.
Option 3: Emergency (same-day) use may be bookable at clubs with availability at an additional cost. You would need to call an OOSC administrator via our ‘contact-us’ page on the website.