St Mary's Thornbury Out Of School Club
The third addition to OOSC, this club opened on June 6th 2011 After School. Breakfast Club opened Monday to Friday mornings from October 2011. In November 2015 it was rated Outstanding by Ofsted and in January 2020 the club continued to receive the highest grade Ofsted can award out of school clubs (since September 2019): Met, with no actions.
We are delighted with the feedback we received from the inspector about the quality of care we provide. On feedback to the team, the inspector commented that the report would represent the most positive comments she was allowed to write! Below are some of the many extremely positive comments in the report:
‘Children develop excellent relationships with each other and staff. They are extremely happy and settled and learn to respect each other highly.’
‘Children learn to be very independent’.
‘Children of differing ages play very harmoniously together’
‘Children eagerly play outside where they safely challenge their physical skills and develop their balance and coordination using a wide variety of equipment ’
‘Staff help children develop an excellent understanding of the world they live in’
‘Staff support children’s keen interests’
‘The owner is ambitious to ensure that every aspect of the club is of high-quality and benefits children, (she) understands the need to regularly evaluate the provision (and) uses robust procedures to ensure the suitability of staff working with children’
‘Staff prioritise children’s safety and provide a welcoming environment to help children to feel secure’
‘Staff treat children with kindness and respect and are excellent role models’
‘Children behave very well’ and ‘learn to take responsibility’.
Such was the quality of the feedback it merited reporting in the local press! Click here to see the article in the Thornbury Voice.
Click here to see our latest amazing inspection report from January 2020
Click here to see our 2015 Outstanding Ofsted inspection
After School Club
The Key Stage One Technology Room, St Mary's C of E Primary School, Thornbury BS35 1HJ
Staff team: Jen, Viv, Ali, Jackie, Viktoriia, Yana and Will
Monday - Friday 3:20pm - 6:00pm, term time.
Children come straight to the club in the Technology room at 3.20pm. They are registered by our club staff then can choose to play or to eat a healthy snack such as wraps, toast and fruit. Children in the Reception Class are collected by a staff member or escorted to the club by their teacher. They can choose to eat any time between 3.20pm and 4pm. There is a range of craft, play and role-play equipment available and a large selection of outdoor activities as well as a relaxation area in the Library area with TV, DVD and Wii. Cooking and craft activities are included in the session fee - pop in and visit after school any time and see many happy children!
Breakfast Club
The Key Stage One Technology Room, St Mary's Primary School, Thornbury BS35 1HJ
Leader: Jen Langdon
Monday-Friday 7:40am - 8:45am, term time.
Children are able to enjoy a full breakfast which includes toast, cereals, fruit, fruit-juice and milk. They can relax quietly with the Wii or TV, use craft, or play with a range of toys indoors or outside, then go straight to their class for registration at 8.45am.
All club users need to have been pre-registered and a £10.00 non-refundable deposit per child, paid in advance.
*NEW* 2024-25 St Mary's Thornbury Regular User Fees Schedule
This rate only applies to pre-booked sessions which are the same day each week and are every week.
please contact us at to make a regular booking
For regular use we operate a 11-monthly payment schedule September 2024 to July 2025, based on the annual 190 teaching days per year. For ease of payment, fees are averaged out over 11 months and are due in advance by the 7th of each month, and calculated based on the number of sessions attending per week:
Please note: New users may join the club (subject to availablility) at any time throughout the year, however fees are payable from the 1st of each calendar month and annually from 1st September to guarantee places.
Days per week, Breakfast club |
Monthly fee £ |
Two children £ |
Three children £ (3rd half price) |
1 |
£ 22.40 |
£ 44.80 |
£ 56.00 |
2 |
£ 44.80 |
£ 89.60 |
£ 112.00 |
3 |
£ 67.20 |
£ 134.40 |
£ 168.00 |
4 |
£ 89.60 |
£ 179.20 |
£ 224.00 |
5 |
£ 112.00 |
£ 224.00 |
£ 280.00 |
Days per week, After school |
Monthly fee £ |
Two children £ |
Three children £ (3rd half price) |
1 |
£ 42.50 |
£ 85.00 |
£ 106.25 |
2 |
£ 85.00 |
£ 170.00 |
£ 212.50 |
3 |
£ 127.50 |
£ 255.00 |
£ 318.75 |
4 |
£ 170.00 |
£ 340.00 |
£ 425.00 |
5 |
£ 212.50 |
£ 425.00 |
£ 531.25 |
You are not charged for Bank Holidays or In-service days.
Payment may be set up by advance monthly standing order(please email for bank details) or advance childcare voucher transfer. No cheques or cash please.
£8.00 per occasional / additional booking Breakfast Club
£13.50 per occasional / ad hoc bookings
£15.50 Emergency same-day bookings (after school)
We take Childcare Vouchers