After School, Breakfast and Holiday Clubs for 4 - 11 year olds attending school

 Welcome to the Out Of School Clubs' Website. OOSC provide Ofsted registered high quality childcare for children of primary school age in several schools across South Gloucestershire. We accept regular and ad-hoc bookings for registered users.

We hope you'll find all you need to know about us, including:  

How to register    How to book on-line    What we offer    What our fees are

Coronavirus Procedures



St Helen's October Holiday club & 

Term 1 & 2 Ad Hoc bookings are available to book NOW (after login) - subject to availability.


There is very limited availablilty for Ad Hoc use at some of our clubs so please contact:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a regular place or to go on our waiting list.

Ofsted Outstanding for St Helen's After School and Holiday Club and St Marys Bradley Stoke!

We are pleased to announce another OOSC Outstanding grade awarded when an inspector visited St Helen's After School and Holiday club on Thursday 30th August 2018 

Latest Availability - updated May 2024

To guarantee availability for places, you will need to book a regular place at the club. Contact the team at admin@oosc.co.uk 

If your booking is Ad Hoc (booked online) you will need to book in plenty of time to guarantee a place on our busy days. Booking is only guaranteed with payment in advance.

How Can I Save Money On My Fees?

Many parents aren't aware of how they can save money on childcare costs. As well as paying by company childcare vouchers or government tax-free vouchers, there are several ways you can save money on fees:. See https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ for further information as well as the details below: