Covid 19 Outbreak Management Plan

This plan has been developed to ensure clarity in relation to the responsibilities and actions that will be taken should an outbreak be identified at OOSC out of school and holiday clubs.

Notification and Activation of the Outbreak Control Plan

According to the ‘Covid 19: Actions for out of school settings July 2021’ guidance, if we identify “several confirmed cases within 10 days” this may constitute an outbreak. NB In line with DFE guidance, ‘Several’ is considered to be 5 or more cases, including staff and children within 10 days. If this situation occurs, this Outbreak Control Plan will be activated

Management and Notification of Confirmed Cases

  • The OOSC manager will report to the Department for Education (advice line on 08000 468687 and selecting option 1) if we have concerns over the level of confirmed cases within the setting.
  • Ofsted is no longer required to be informed of positive cases (24.2.22).
  • If DfE considers an outbreak to be taking place, they will escalate the notification to the
  • local health protection team and advise on additional action required.
  • OOSC will follow the advice of Local Authorities, local Public Health teams and PHE
  • Health Protection Teams who will make further recommendations

Engagement with NHS Test and Trace

  • Contact tracing for confirmed cases of Covid is now closed. 

Reintroduction of Control Measures

  • If an outbreak is confirmed, OOSC will continue to work with health protection teams to identify whether control measures need to be reactivated. These may include operating in small, consistent groups to minimise mixing and keep transmission rates low or the introduction of face coverings for adults within our operational space, where appropriate.
  • If an outbreak is confirmed, we will prioritise enhanced cleaning protocols and hygiene measures. Any anticipated break in service for cleaning will be communicated with all parents and partners if necessary.

Standing Down

  • OOSC will work closely with local Public Health officials and Local Authorities to determine when it is appropriate to stand down from additional control measures and notify all parents and partners of next steps as appropriate.

The Out Of School Club (OOSC) will follow the below detailed steps should an outbreak of Covid-19 be identified

Communication to Parents, Staff and Partner Schools

Parents and Partner Schools will be notified of an outbreak: 5 cases within 10 days (with attendance within the 48hr infection period) as soon as possible (and always within 24 hours) following recommendations from DFE and Local Authorities, local Public Health teams and PHE Health Protection Teams. Communication will be by phone/email ensuring parents have confirmed receipt. Further information will be published on the OOSC website

Closure of ‘groups’ (if appropriate)

Closure of OOSC will be avoided as much as possible, however if an outbreak is confirmed by DFE, parents may be contacted to collect their children while increased measures can be implemented in line with public health advice. Any collection of children will be informed by phone only.

Returning to Setting Protocol

Post August 2021, children who are close contacts of a child who has tested positive from Covid 19 are not required to isolate and may continue to attend our settings. Parents may wish to carry out a PCR test to verify. If a child tests positive for Covid-19 they should follow all isolation guidance in line with NHS T and T and current government advice. From January 11th 2022 there is no requirement to take a PCR test to verify a positive LFT if no symptoms are evident.

Staff Members

OOSC staff under 18 or those who have received both vaccinations +2weeks, are not required to isolate if in close contact with a positive case. If staff have one of the three symptoms or test positive for Covid 19, they should follow the current government guidance for isolation: do#get-tested-and-self-isolate-if-you-have-symptoms

From January 11th 2022 there is no requirement to take a PCR test to verify a positive LFT if no symptoms are evident.

Staff over 18 who have not received both vaccinations +2 weeks should isolate in line with government guidance. Staff members who return from a red list country should isolate as appropriate in line with current government regulations.

Positive LF or PCR test should be reported to Cath Purchase on 07740870418


Completed by: Cath Purchase Date: 1.9.21

Reviewed 18.10.21 following revised regulations around travel

Reviewed 29.11.21 following PM response to new Omicron variant of concern

Reviewed 14.1.22 following updated guidance on isolation and testing

Reviewed 1.3.22 following updated government advice 24.2.22

Key contacts:

DfE Helpline 08000 468687South Glos Health Protection Team on 0300 303 8162, selecting option 1 then option 2.

Latest Availability - updated October 2024

To guarantee availability for places, you will need to book a regular place at the club. Contact the team at 

If your booking is Ad Hoc (booked online) you will need to book in plenty of time to guarantee a place on our busy days. Booking is only guaranteed with payment in advance.

How Can I Save Money On My Fees?

Many parents aren't aware of how they can save money on childcare costs. As well as paying by company childcare vouchers or government tax-free vouchers, there are several ways you can save money on fees:. See for further information as well as the details below: